Ronald E. Nelson Trophy

 A silver platter, with scrolled edge, was presented to the Lake Geneva Yacht Club in 2019 by Mrs. Ronald (Elizabeth) Nelson as a perpetual trophy to be awarded to the winner of the C Spring Championship. Mr. Nelson served as LGYC Commodore in 1986 and 1987 and was primarily a C sailor.

In keeping with LGYC custom, the winner of the C Spring Series should be allowed to keep the trophy until the return date the following season as specified by the Trophy Committee. In the event the Class C ceases to race at the Lake Geneva Yacht Club, Mrs. Nelson requested that the Trophy Committee propose to the LGYC Board an appropriate use for this trophy in another class, but that it always be called the Ronald E. Nelson Memorial Trophy.

  • 2019 No Race 
  • 2020 Charles & Gordon Lamphere
  • 2021 Charles Lamphere
  • 2022 Gordon Lamphere
  • 2023 No Series