Black Point – Petersen Trophy

rrreThis slender silver vase was originally called the Black Point Trophy and was presented to the Yacht Club in 1935 for competition in what was referred to then as the ILYA Cub Class, permanent ownership to the owner of the same yacht winning it twice in three annual races. The Petersen brothers, Edward and Conrad, retired the trophy after winning it in 1936 and 1938 in their Ekke Nekkepen . In 1967, Dr. Edward Petersen donated the trophy to the Yacht Club in honor of his grandfather, Captain Eduard Petersen (1834-1905), who sailed his schooner Segler on many ocean voyages out of his home port of Kiel, Germany. The renamed Black Point – Petersen Trophy, a perpetual trophy, is awarded to the Class C boat placing third in the championship series.

  • 1935 Geister Brothers 
  • 1936 Petersen Brothers
  • 1937 Walter G. McIntosh
  • 1938 Petersen Brothers 
  • (1939 – 1966 trophy retired)
  • 1967 Dick and Jerry Williams 
  • 1968 Buddy Melges
  • 1969 Bob Showhan
  • 1970 Jim Cossitt
  • 1971 John Sisk
  • 1972 Carl Brehm
  • 1973 Charles Cameron
  • 1974 Jack Holmes Jr.
  • 1975 Charles Cameron
  • 1976 Holger Vogel
  • 1977 Charles Cameron
  • 1978 Holger Vogel
  • 1979 Carl Brehm
  • 1980 Arthur Larson Jr.
  • 1981 Bob Novak
  • 1982 Bob Novak
  • 1983 Bob Novak
  • 1984 Arthur Larson Jr. 
  • 1985 Tom Schmidt
  • 1986 Jeff Doubek
  • 1987 Tom Schmidt
  • 1988 George Beukema
  • 1989 Arthur Larson Jr.
  • 1990 Bob Harring / Jim Smith
  • 1991 John Porter
  • 1992 Scott Ripkey
  • 1993 John Zils
  • 1994 Frank Davenport
  • 1995 Cuppy and Chris Goes
  • 1996 Mike Keefe / Arthur Larson Jr.
  • 1997 Jim Smith
  • 1998 Jeff Davenport
  • 1999 John Zils
  • 2000 Mike Lynch
  • 2001 John DeCarlo
  • 2002 Terry Blanchard / Jim Davis
  • 2003 Terry Blanchard / Jim Davis
  • 2004 Bri Porter
  • 2005 Arthur Larson Jr.
  • 2006 Terry Blanchard / Jim Davis
  • 2007 Mike Lynch
  • 2008 Jerry Millsap
  • 2009 Bill Barrett
  • 2010 Ron Bjurstrom / Jim Smith
  • 2011 Jim Petersen
  • 2012 Jim Smith / Ron Bjurstrom
  • 2013 Bruce Cameron
  • 2014 Frank Davenport
  • 2015 Bruce Cameron
  • 2016 Tom Pomierski
  • 2017 William Barrett
  • 2018 Frank A. Davenport
  • 2019 John DeCarlo
  • 2020 Lindsay & Marek Valasek
  • 2021 Lindsay & Marek Valasek
  • 2022 Chapman & James Petersen
  • 2023 William Barrett