Jane Pegel LGYC 1994 Class M Championship Trophy Series A, First Place (Day One)

In 1994, Jane Pegel received this silver wine cooler for winning an overall first that season in Lake Geneva Yacht Club’s Class M Championship. In 2007, she donated the trophy to the International Optimist Dinghy fleet to be awarded annually to the sailor with the best score on the first day of Series A racing.

  • 2007 Charlie Morris
  • 2008 Alex Vasiliou
  • 2009 Griffin Rolander
  • 2010 Nate Freytag
  • 2011 Stuart Henry
  • 2012 Mark Davies
  • 2013 Chapman Petersen
  • 2014 Henry Rolander
  • 2015 No Race
  • 2016 Chapman Petersen
  • 2017 Chapman Petersen
  • 2018 Jacob Zils
  • 2019 No Race
  • 2020 No Race
  • 2021 No Race
  • 2022 Sophie Niemann
  • 2023 No Races