B. P. Adams Post-Season Trophy

3In 1939, Bruce P. Adams presented the Yacht Club with a trophy for Class E – a pewter platter, 25 inches long and oval in shape, with four balled feet and a domed lid adorned with a fish as its handle. Initially, the Adams Trophy was awarded to the winner of the race held on the first available Sunday after the close of the racing season. Today, it is awarded to the winner of the first completed race in the Class E Fall Series. According to the deed of gift, the skipper who wins any two annual races may permanently retain the trophy. Walter Goes achieved this in1976 but chose to re-donate the trophy for competition under the original terms and conditions. To date, rather than retire the trophy, all two-time winners since that time have followed his example. Winners’ names are engraved on the lid and continue on the surface of the platter.
- 1939 H. G. Nye Jr.
- 1940 Chester V. Granath
- 1941 H. R. Hough
- 1942 Sidney H. Bliss
- 1943 No race
- 1944 No race
- 1945 No race
- 1946 George H. Kiefer Jr.
- 1947 No race
- 1948 Walter M. Colman
- 1949 Peter Freytag
- 1950 D. C. Harring
- 1951 Harry C. Melges Jr.
- 1952 Harry C. Melges
- 1953 A. W. Craven Jr.
- 1954 Gloria Melges
- 1955 John Kiefer
- 1956 S. P. Beers
- 1957 John F. Perrigo
- 1958 Clayton Gaylord
- 1959 Betty Ann Kiefer
- 1960 Jane Pegel
- 1961 Robert E. Pegel
- 1962 Tom Leahy
- 1963 Giselle Harring
- 1964 Nancy Frank
- 1965 Bill Bentsen
- 1966 Tom Fiedler
- 1967 No race
- 1968 Ed Smith
- 1969 George Beukema
- 1970 Larry Happ
- 1971 No race
- 1972 No race
- 1973 John Strothman
- 1974 Walter J. Goes
- 1975 Clayton Gaylord
- 1976 Walter J. Goes
- 1977 Jim Smith
- 1978 Arthur Larson Jr.
- 1979 R. R. Harring III
- 1980 John Kiefer
- 1981 Dick Ralls
- 1982 No race
- 1983 R. R. Harring III
- 1984 John Linsley
- 1985 Michael Kurzawa
- 1986 D. Ferguson
- 1987 Dave Hibbel and Jim Barr
- 1988 No race
- 1989 Jim McGinley
- 1990 Fred Brennan
- 1991 John DeCarlo
- 1992 No race
- 1993 No race
- 1994 Steve Schalk
- 1995 Steve Schalk
- 1996 Steve Schalk
- 1997 David Wall
- 1998 Jay Wittenstrom
- 1999 Wendell Sherry
- 2000 Wendell Sherry
- 2001 No race
- 2002 Mary Jane Schalk
- 2003 Dennis Schalk
- 2004 Charles Colman
- 2005 Frank Davenport
- 2006 Frank Davenport
- 2007 Steve Schalk
- 2008 Steve Schalk
- 2009 Kevin Ward and Peter Wall
- 2010 Kevin Ward and Peter Wall
- 2011 Michael Gannon
- 2012 Vincent Porter
- 2013 Harry Melges IV
- 2014 Harry Melges IV
- 2015 Ken Wruk
- 2016 No Race
- 2017 Kyle Navin
- 2018 No Race
- 2019 Harry Melges IV
- 2020 Kyle Navin
- 2021 Ross Lyon
- 2022 Frank Davenport
- 2023 Eddie Cox
- 2024 Steven Lyon