Harry Hayner Bliss Memorial Trophy

In 1944, Sidney H. Bliss, who served as commodore in 1946 and 1947, presented the Harry Hayner Bliss Memorial Trophy to the Yacht Club in memory of his father. Initially, the Class E fleet raced for the trophy on the Sunday preceding Labor Day, with a windward start from the Yacht Club to either Fontana or the City of Lake Geneva and return. Since 2011, the Yacht Club has awarded the trophy to the best-scoring boat in four races held over two scheduled Series A race days, with a third scheduled Series A race day designated as a makeup day. The trophy is not awarded unless three races are completed. The Bliss Memorial Trophy, which is 20 inches tall from its base to the top of its lid, is displayed in the Commodores’ Lounge. Winners receive commemorative pins.
- 1944 Harold H. Hough
- 1945 Sidney H. Bliss
- 1946 Winfield Craven
- 1947 Harold H. Hough
- 1948 William Grunow Jr.
- 1949 William Grunow Jr.
- 1950 Clarence W. Sills Jr.
- 1951 William Grunow Jr.
- 1952 Winfield Craven
- 1953 D. C. Harring
- 1954 Harry Melges
- 1955 Buddy Melges
- 1956 E. J. Schulenburg
- 1957 William H. Freytag Jr. and John R. Perrigo
- 1958 William H. Freytag Jr. and John R. Perrigo
- 1959 William H. Freytag Jr. and John R. Perrigo
- 1960 William Bentsen
- 1961 Robert E. Pegel
- 1962 Robert E. Pegel
- 1963 William Bentsen
- 1964 Robert and Jane Pegel
- 1965 Larry Happ
- 1966 Robert E. Pegel
- 1967 Robert and Jane Pegel
- 1968 Robert and Jane Pegel
- 1969 Robert and Jane Pegel
- 1970 Robert and Jane Pegel
- 1971 Robert Pegel
- 1972 Beukema – Frankel
- 1973 Bill Allen
- 1974 Kevin Tomera
- 1975 Clayton R. Gaylord
- 1976 Clayton R. Gaylord
- 1977 Jeff and Charles Colman
- 1978 Tom Schmidt
- 1979 John Gluek
- 1980 Jim McGinley
- 1981 Jim McGinley
- 1982 John Gluek
- 1983 Brian Porter
- 1984 Charles Colman
- 1985 Charles Colman
- 1986 Charles Colman
- 1987 No race
- 1988 No race
- 1989 No race
- 1990 No race
- 1991 Fred Brennan
- 1992 Ron Schloemer
- 1993 Charles Colman
- 1994 Charles Colman
- 1995 Jay Wittenstrom
- 1996 No race
- 1997 Bob Youngquist
- 1998 Bob Youngquist
- 1999 Wendell Sherry
- 2000 Wendell Sherry
- 2001 Wendell Sherry
- 2002 No race
- 2003 2003 Steve Schalk
- 2004 Ken Wruk
- 2005 Frank Davenport
- 2006 No race
- 2007 No race
- 2008 Steve Schalk
- 2009 No race
- 2010 No race
- 2011 Frank Davenport
- 2012 Vincent Porter
- 2013 Brian Porter
- 2014 Brian Porter
- 2015 No Race
- 2016 Brian Porter
- 2017 Vincent Porter
- 2018 Harry Melges IV
- 2019Kyle Navin
- 2020 Vincent Porter
- 2021 No Series
- 2022 Kyle Navin
- 2023 Brian Porter
- 2024 No Race