Dear Prospective Member:
Thank you for your interest in the Lake Geneva Yacht Club. We would like to share with you some history and objectives of our club, as well as information regarding our sailing programs.
Founded in 1874, the LGYC is one of the oldest sailing clubs in the nation. Our club has a long and prestigious history, which has been fostered by many yachtsmen and women, competitive sailing events, and interesting people and social activities. We are very proud of our many current distinguished sailors as well as those from decades past.
As noted in our mission statement, our Club is operated for the enjoyment and support of the sport of sailboat racing by Club members, their families and guests. To support these objectives, the clubhouse is maintained as our center for sailing activities and social functions.
Our waterfront provides beautiful lake views and ample launching facilities, which include four power hoists, a launch ramp and a dinghy ramp. Our grounds and other buildings are used for dry-land boat storage.
Our races are held weekly, Monday through Sunday and holidays from mid May through October. Separate races are held for Classes A, E, C and MC Scows as well as Class X, Optimist Dinghies, Melges 24s, Melges 15s and Melges 14s. Most classes have two or three races each week. Normal weekly schedules may be modified at times to accommodate Club hosted regattas.
The Geneva Lake Sailing School shares the clubhouse and offers classes for all levels of sailors from beginner through racing skipper, for both children and adults. Classes are conducted in the International Optimist Dinghy, BIC, Class X, Club420, Sonar keelboat or a student’s own craft. Please contact the GLSS Executive Director, Marek Valasek, at (262)275-8489 for more information.
In July 2015 the Buddy Melges Sailing Center was completed, an unprecedented, state of the art, 12,000 square foot facility encompassing both the Clubhouse and Sailing School in one structure, optimized for sailing training, racing and club activities.
More detailed information about LGYC can be found on our website, If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact myself or the Club General Manager at (262)275-2727.
Thank you again for your interest in membership. I hope you will become an active member of the LGYC and I look forward to sailing with you in the near future.
Charles Lamphere
Click for Lake Geneva Yacht Club By-Laws
2025 Membership Application Info
Our application process has recently changed for Regular, Intermediate and Associate Memberships. The application process begins with a current voting member filling out a membership questionnaire for an applicant they are personally recommending for membership in the Club. We offer the following membership types listed below.
Regular: A member of any age who is currently participating as an owner, regularly helming or regularly crewing or has historically participated in a sailing program, or regularly serving on the Race Committee
Intermediate: A member who is currently participating in the sport of sailing and has reached or will reach the age of 21 before January 1 of the current year and is not more than 32 years of age. Note: Spouse/Civil Union partner’s age must also be considered.
Junior: A member who is currently participating in the sport of sailing and will not reach the age of 21 before January 1 of the current year. 2025 LGYC Junior Application
Associate: A member desiring to participate in the activities of the Club and to support its purposes and who may develop an interest in competitive sailing. This category of membership may be limited by the Board of Directors to a percentage of the Club’s membership. Currently, our Associate Membership category is at capacity.
We strongly encourage all applicants to read and understand our Bylaws and Regulations Related to the Bylaws before applying to the club.
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